

发布时间:2022-09-02 16:56:24    作者:    来源:     浏览量:


2019年6月毕业于哈尔滨医科大学药理专业,获医学博士学位。现受聘于华体会体育(中国)HTH·官方网站药理教研室。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、嘉兴华体会体育(中国)HTH·官方网站SRT项目1项、嘉兴华体会体育(中国)HTH·官方网站教改项目1项,参与浙江省医药卫生科技计划项目和嘉兴市一般项目各1项。已发表SCI及中文核心期刊10余篇,包括一作及通讯作者6篇,其中一作SCI 3篇,一作中文核心期刊1篇,通讯作者2篇。











3、嘉兴华体会体育(中国)HTH·官方网站科技类一般项目:7,8 -二羟基黄酮对慢性前列腺炎/慢性盆腔疼痛综合征的作用 及机制(CD8517203235);2020-2021;0.3万;主持;


1、Nai-wen Chen*,Jin-lai Gao*, Hai-long Li, Hong Xu, Ling-feng Wu, Fan-guo Meng, Wei Chen, Yi-fang Cao, Wen-hua Xie, Xiao-qin Zhang, Shi-hui Liu, Jing Jin, Yi He & Jian-wei Lv. The protective effect of manganese superoxide dismutase from thermophilic bacterium HB27 on hydrochloric acid-induced chemical cystitis in rats. Int Urol Nephrol. 2022, 54, 1681–1691.

2、Nai-Wen Chen, Jing Jin, Hong Xu, Xue-Cheng Wei, Ling-Feng Wu, Wen-Hua Xie, Yu-Xiang Cheng, Yi He#,Jin-Lai Gao#. Effect of thermophilic bacterium HB27 manganese superoxide dismutase in a rat model of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPPS). Asian Journal of Andrology. 2021, 23, 1–9.

3、Jin J, Chen N, Pan H, Xie W, Xu H, Lei S, Guo Z, Ding R, He Y#,Gao J#. Triclosan induces ROS-dependent cell death and autophagy in A375 melanoma cells. Oncol Lett. 2020, 20(4):73.

4、Gao JL*, Zhao J*, Zhu HB, Peng X, Zhu JX, Ma MH, Fu Y, Hu N, Tai Y, Xuan XC, Dong DL. Characterizations of mitochondrial uncoupling induced by chemical mitochondrial uncouplers in cardiomyocytes. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2018, 124:288-298.

5、Zhao J*,Gao JL*, Zhu JX, Zhu HB, Peng X, Jiang M, Fu Y, Xu J, Mao XH, Hu N, Ma MH, Dong DL. The different response of cardiomyocytes and cardiac fibroblasts to mitochondria inhibition and the underlying role of STAT3. Basic. Res. Cardiol. 2019, 114(2):12.

6、Yifan Zhang, Yuxin Jiang, Yi Wang, Tianyi Sun, Yuanjie Meng, Yueyan Huang, Xiaoqing Lv,Jinlai Gao, Xiaoqin Zhang, Shilei Zhang, and Shihui Liu. Photoredox/Copper Dual-Catalyzed Benzylic C-H Esterification via Radical-Polar Crossover. Org. Lett., 2022, 24, 2679-2683.

7、Li SL, Yan J, Zhang YQ, Zhen CL, Liu MY, Jin J,Gao JL, Xiao XL, Shen X, Tai Y, Hu N, Zhang XZ, Sun ZJ, Dong DL. Niclosamide ethanolamine inhibits artery constriction. Pharmacol. Res. 2017, 115:78-86.

8、Xiao XL, Hu N, Zhang XZ, Jiang M, Chen C, Ma R, Ma ZG,Gao JL, Xuan XC, Sun ZJ, Dong DL. Niclosamide inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration and attenuates neointimal hyperplasia in injured rat carotid arteries. Br. J. Pharmacol. 2018, 175(10):1707-1718.

9、Ma R, Ma ZG,Gao JL, Tai Y, Li LJ, Zhu HB, Li L, Dong DL, Sun ZJ. Injectable pegylated niclosamide (polyethylene glycol-modified niclosamide) for cancer therapy. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2020, 108(1):30-38.

10、Ma ZG, Ma R, Wang X,Gao JL, Zheng YF, Sun ZJ. Enzyme and PH responsive 5-flurouracil (5-FU) loaded hydrogels based on olsalazine derivatives for colon-specific drug delivery. European Polymer Journal. 2019, 118:64-70.

11、Ma R, Ma ZG, Zhen CL, Sheng X, Li SL,Tai Y,Gao JL, Liu MY, Jin J, Li L, Dong DL, Sun ZJ. Design, synthesis and characterization of poly(methacrylic acid-niclosamide) and its effect on arterial function. Materials Science and Engineering:C. 2017, 77: 352-359.


刘石惠,周伟,李子瑜,吕晓庆,高金来.一种苄基醚类化合物及其合成方法. CN 113717033 A(实质审查中).




